Types of yoga classes offered:
Restorative-These classes are a relaxing class that is filled with fewer poses held longer periods of time. This class utilizes props and has poses that help rejuvenate the body, lengthen muscles, and relax without have to stimulate the muscles. This class is indented to increase mobility and reduce stress by maintaining a deep relaxation. Recommended for any age/level of yogi.
Yin-This practice is for deep stretching. Yin uses few poses to create a meditative practice, while releasing fascia (connective tissues) in the body. This class is great for getting rid of stiffness in the body that creates stress and those aches/pains we get on a daily basis. The use of props is common in this class to encourage more stress relief. Recommended for any age/level of yogi.
Gentle Yoga-This class is a practice of stretching, breathing, relaxation, and simple movements that will be moved through at a slower pace. Gentle yoga helps increase flexibility and range of motion in major joints. Recommended for any age/level of yogi.
Vinyasa-This class is great for any level yogi. The flow/poses will be at an accessible level for anyone because of modifications to reduce or intensify as the class progresses. These classes will include postures and breathing techniques to give your body a workout, lengthen muscles, strengthen balance, reduce stress, and create a more centered mind/body. Recommended for any age/level of yogi.
Vin Yin-This class is a combination of Vinyasa and Yin yoga. It puts all the favorites of each class in. The benefits of yin yoga with some extra movement through poses. It will be a slower pace, and include breathing exercises, stretching of the muscles, and give a practice to strenghthen muscles.
Intermediate-Vinyasa- This class will be for yogis who have a basic understanding of the postures and techniques. Level 2 will give yoga students more of a challenge than the any level class. Along with a slightly higher challenge, these classes will also concentrating on breathing exercises and postures to reduce stress, strengthen/lengthen muscles, and create a more centered mind and body. Recommended for a yogi with a basic understand of the poses and flow.